As everyone entered Centennial center on a red carpet lined with a hall of fame of past GCSU athletes they were greeted under a balloon arch and presented with an auction number. When entering the gym you were back in the time of old Hollywood. A huge movie scene of King Kong was created. You could even take your pictures with it like my class is doing above. You heard the beautiful voices of two Milledgeville Idol contestants, including the winner, adding a feeling of being on an actual movie set. The tables were set with center pieces that we all created, of movie reels with pictures of different athletic teams on them. There were mini Oscars, team pictures, and some tables had swag bags full of popcorn, movie frames, sunglasses, candles, candy, and GCSU athletic wear. There were auction tables set up all around the edges guided by light post and large posters advertising each team apart of our athletic department.
I believe that the auction went fantastically. My PR class has been working on this auction for the whole semester and it is finally over. We all had a great time and helped the athletic department raise money.
I think that the strengths were firstly that our class is extremely close. We were able to work together very well and were not afraid to express our ideas. We are able to bounce ideas off of each other in order to create something amazing.
I believe that the weakness of the auction were things that my class was unable to control. Our dining hall always provided the food, and this year, for some reason, the food was not that great and people did not enjoy it to much. Also, when I asked one of my professors who attended the event what she thought, she said that everything that our class had control over was amazing; however, she thought that along with the bad food, the auction items were not as good as they usually were and that if the items were better then she would have bid on more things.
Doing the athletic auction was a great opportunity. I would love to plan events for a living and loved getting the experience of actually getting to be hands on and getting to see all sides of event planning.
I do not believe that there were any threats towards the class not finishing our goal. We had a plan and a schedule and we all worked to make sure that what Brittany, Shannon, and Zach thought of came to reality.
Being apart of the athletic auction was a great experience. It may have been stressful at some points, but was all over an amazing experience that I would definitely do again.