If you click on the title of this blog it will link you to an article that I found on Advertising Age that I thought was interesting.

Procter & Gamble Co. had come up with an idea to help "go green". They have created a future friendly program with the use of RecycleBank to give back points and rewards. All someone has to do is sign up at RecycleBank.com to register, and then every time a person's recycling bin gets picked up it is scanned with the amount inside, which is then recorded into the RecycleBank to give participants points. With these points consumers can earn free products from P&G.
Participants are also rewarded when they are learning and blogging about being environmentally friendly. One is now not only getting points from recycling, but also receive points for watching videos, reading articles, and using social media to learn about being environmentally friendly. So far this program is only being conducted in Cincinnati, Ohio, of P&G's hometown, but could be expanded if the program works well at home.
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