The first chapter in Convergence Culture, by Henry Jenkins, is called "Spoiling Survivor". In this chapter it talks about how people will try to find out all the information about the Survivor show and post it online before it aires on TV. There was a lot of controversy about one of the spoilers named ChillOne who leaked information about the 6th season. Spoilers were convinced that it was either a person who participated in the 6th season of Survivor or that it was a producer for CBS.
Spoilers to me seem like gatekeepers. A gatekeeper is someone who controls what gets put out there. There are a group of spoilers known as the "brain trust". This was a group of about 20 people who would find out all the information on the contestants as possible, even extremely private information. They were the ones that decided what information to release about the contestants and what information not to release.
Another form of gatekeeping is through the producer Mark Burnett. He knew that the spoilers would try to find out anything that they could about the show before it aired, especially the final 4 and who would win the show. He would put misleading information in the intro to the show and if he truly was ChillOne like others suspected he would have been gatekeeping what information got out and what did not.
As for me, I do not like the idea of spoilers. I like to find out what happens every week like all the other people watching. I do not like it when people ruin the ending of something for me, I like to figure it out while I am watching.
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