Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Social Media

Social media is used to describe a type of social communication used through the media. This means that any method of interaction between people online and any communication through digital means would be considered social media. Me, typing this blog post, and sending it out in the web is a form of social media. Others read my blogs and they could end up in other forms. Media is not just me typing and sending something into the web it is much more. Media is any form of typing, texting, pictures and sounds, etc. that is shared through the Internet or through any digital means. Social media is not something that is easily defined because social media changes everyday, there is always something new that comes out. Just in the past few months I have learned to use a blog and twitter and who knows what more I will be able to learn and what new forms of social media will come later.

Danny Brown, who helps others explore and use social media, has termed a theory for social media called the Continuum Theory of Social Media. In this theory he states that social media is not just one thing but more of a continuum with social on the far left and media on the far right.

The social side is about communication and the media side is the way in which one communicated their message.

The social side includes areas such as facebook and twitter. There are millions of conversations that happen daily on each form of social Internet. These sites are great to use for networking and to help build you, your company, and much more.

The media side deals with how to actually sell your product. The product could be you, it could be a message, or it could be an actual product.

This is an example of how and why social media is always changing. People are constantly communicating and people are constantly selling different things. Media is something that changes daily and there is always something new to learn.

To read more about Danny Brown just click on the Title of this post: Social Media.

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